Development Update - Dynamic Fear System
Infliction is a mixture between dynamic AI and scripted events. Scripted events take time to craft. But I can craft them! Add the sound...

Opinion - The value of QA
As a solo indie game dev, I can't stress enough how many times I've played my game during development. If I was to try to put a number to...

Development Update - First Impressions
First impressions are so important. If I start up a game, I don't usually judge it by the main menu. In most cases this is a static...

Development Update - More intractable interactions
Maybe I've just played this game thousands of times during development. In-fact I know that's true. Every time I implement anything at...

Development Update - Breaking the sound barrier
The time has come to start adding sound effects. Initially I was excited by this prospect. Once you add sounds to a game it really comes...

Development Update - Real Time Mirrors
Easily, by far, getting mirrors working has set me back more than anything else. I've never implemented AI before and I found that...

Development Update - AI Vs. Scripted Events
Whats better? A dynamic AI or an orchestrated scripted event? Both have their pros and cons. Lets examine the difference between the two...

Development Update - Real time mirrors, are they worth it?
So I've finally implemented a real time mirror that doesn't totally crash the game. I must say though, its a performance hog. I have a...

Development Update - Voice Over
I've been very busy over the past month with organising the voice over for the game. I didn't think I'd need any this early on but I want...

Development Update - Dynamic Lighting
Just a quick update this week. I've been optimising the lighting system. One of the key gameplay mechanics in Karma is the lighting...